Travel Day — Good News/Bad News

The good news is the flight wasn’t until 9:40a.
The bad news is that we had to be there two hours earlier, which meant getting up at hour-and-a-half before that. If God had meant for people to be up that early, He would have put it later in the day.

The good news is the first flight was only 3½ hours.
The bad news is the next flight was 12½ hours.
The worse news is there was still another 5½ hour flight after that one.

The bad news is that there’s not much your brain can do after sitting in a chair for ten hours straight.

Everybody must get …

I heard a story tonight I’ve heard before. This isn’t the first time this has happened — my grandmother had favorites she told over and over, and we laughed with gusto every time we heard them, because she told them in a way that made them fresh every time. It won’t be the last time it happens — as I get older, I hear myself telling stories I’ve told before and wonder whether I’ve told it to the current audience, and pray I haven’t, because I do not have Mimi’s gift for storytelling. Unfortunately, the yawns usually tell me I have …

This particular story involved two young girls and an evil man (I don’t throw that word around lightly, as you will see).

The Liquor District

On a recent mission trip to Cambodia (more on that later), our LEADER, a former resident, was showing us around Phnom Penh. As we passed one area in the van, she said, “And over here we have the liquor district, where I spent many an hour…” and I thought “Reaaaaaly? That’s … interesting.”

And then she finished her sentence. “… shopping. They make great wicker furniture here, and there are a ton of shops just in that one area.” One of the guys behind me exclaimed, “Oh, good, I thought you said liquor!” I said the same, and we all had a good laugh.